If you would like to carry Roxy and LuLu in your Store, here's how you go about it!
To request wholesale information please fill out the required fields in our Wholesale Request Form below, and submit it by email
to: roxyandlulu@gmail.com. You can select the .doc or .pdf format, whichever you prefer. Please allow 24-48 hours for verification. We will notify you with confirmation for retailer approval.
We are delighted to hear from you and welcome any questions or comments you may have. You can reach us here any time.

Roxy and Lulu offers its merchandise for sale through the following methods of distribution: Authorized Distributors, Selected Retailers, and Internet, through www.roxyandlulu.com.
To become an authorized distributor, retailer, or agent, please reach out to us here with your request with a headline reading "NEW RETAILER". This will facilitate our sifting through emails so as not to miss your request.
Please note below, is for WHOLESALE Accounts who stock our products:
All Canadian orders must be a minimum of $400.00 (CAD).
All US orders must be a minimum of $400.00 (USD).
All International orders must be a minimum of $600.00 (USD).
Shipping, taxes, Duty, and Carrier charges (where applicable) are extra and are the responsibility of the retailer.
This program is temporarily disabled, as we are not currently accepting new applicants. Please be sure to check back in the near future for openings. Thank you for your understanding.
We also offer a Drop Ship program. If you are an Online Retailer and would like to open a drop ship account with us, please contact us for more information regarding this program.
Please Note: Although we try our best to update our customers with any changes to product/fabric availability and pricing, product and prices may be subject to change without prior notice. We will however try our best to accommodate and work with our customers.
Roxy and Lulu must obtain full payment for products prior to shipment. All online orders are pre-paid via PayPal’s secure site.
Credit card payments are processed via the secure PayPal site. You are not required to open a PayPal account to complete your credit card transactions. Upon completion of your order, we will email you with tracking confirmation and mode of delivery via Paypal.
We welcome any questions or comments you may have. You can reach reach us: Here